Aquinas and Aristotle

Early in 2018 a book Aristote et Thomas d’Aquin: les commentaires sur les œuvres majeures d’Aristote (Les Presses Universitaires de l’IPC 2018; publication is available also at Amazon), by Leo Elders (whose other publication, Thomas Aquinas and His Predecessors, was recently discussed at our website). This book is devoted to Aquinas’ twelve commentaries on Aristotle’s works. Elders strives to determine whether St. Thomas reported Aristotle’s thought faithfully or whether his interpretations were permeated by his own theological approach and influenced by the quality of the translations of Aristotle’s works that were in use at that time.

Elders has been conducting research on Aristotle since the 1960s, later he also began to analyse Aristotle’s influence on Aquinas’ theology and philosophy. You may find several of his papers on this topic online:

A few years ago another book on Aristotle’s influence on St. Thomas was published: Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology, ed. by Gilles Emery O.P. and Matthew Levering (Oxford University Press 2015; table of contents and excerpts from the book may be found at Google Books).