Thomistic Personalism in “Studia Gilsoniana”

The most recent issue of „Studia Gilsoniana” (nr 7/3, 2018) — a quarterly issued by International Étienne Gilson Society — comprises of papers by the members of the Society for Thomistic Personalism, devoted precisely to various aspects of so called thomistic personalism.  This notion has been derived from the paper by Karol Wojtyla, Personalizm tomistyczny, „Znak”, no. 83 (1961), p. 664-675.

Apart from short discussion of Wojtyla’s article and presentation of this personalism in his later works (R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, A Word from the Editor), the volume contains the following papers (all in open access):

  • Anthony T. Flood (North Dakota State University), Love of Self as the Condition for a Gift of Self in Aquinas;
  • John F. X. Knasas (University of St. Thomas, Houston), Kantianism and Thomistic Personalism on the Human Person: Self-Legislator or Self-Determiner?;
  • Catherine Peters (University of St. Thomas, Houston), Personal Participation in the Thomistic Account of Natural Law;
  • Susan C. Selner-Wright (St. John Vianney Theological Seminary), Thomistic Personalism and Creation Metaphysics: Personhood vs. Humanity and Ontological vs. Ethical Dignity;
  • Daniel C. Wagner (Aquinas College, Grand Rapids), Penitential Method as Phenomenological: The Penitential Epoche.