First Issues of “Revue Thomiste” available online

At the Gallica portal, run by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, you may find digitalized versions of the “Revue Thomiste” issues from the first decades of the journal’s existence (from 1893 to 1946).

„Revue Thomiste” was established by the Dominicans: Marie Thomas Coconnier O.P., Ambroise Gardeil O.P. and Pierre Mandonnet O.P. as a response to pope’s Leon XIII appeal to renew Thomistic studies, stated in his encyclical Aeterni Patris. In these first decades, the journal published works by such outstanding figures as Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Jacques Maritain, Maurice Blondel, Marie-Joseph Lagrange or Thomas Pègues.