Aquinas’s Doctrine of Analogy

Recently yet another book in the Thomistic Ressourcement Series was published:  a work by Domenic D’Ettore, Analogy after Aquinas: Logical Problems, Thomistic Answers (Catholic University of America Press 2019; excerpts from the book are available also at Google Books). It concerns the issue of historical interpretations and development of Aquinas’s doctrine of analogy, especially after it was contested by John Duns Scotus and his followers. The scope of the book is defined very clearly:

This study confines its investigation historically to the period between the opening decade of the fourteenth century, when Dominicans first encountered and answered John Duns Scotus, and the middle of the sixteenth century, prior to the opening of the Council of Trent. This stopping point allows the work to focus exclusively on Dominican Thomists, without needing to branch off into Jesuit contribution to the discussion. The particular Dominican Thomists selected are chosen for a combination of their historical influence on the development of the doctrine of analogy in Thomism and for the purpose of illustrating the range of interpretations to which Thomas’s thought has been subjected (from the Introduction, p. 1).

Domenic D’Ettore is an assitant professor of philosophy at the Marian University in Indianapolis. He specializes in the medieval philosophy, especially in the thought by St. Thomas Aquinas and its later reception.

By the way, we recommend a recording of the lecture by Thomas Joseph White The Careful Rationality of Monotheism: Thomas Aquinas on Analogical Knowledge of God, given at Lumen Christi Institute in 2013.