Aquinas’ Theology of the Eucharist

Catholic University of America Press has just released yet another book on the thought by St. Thomas Aquinas. This time it is A Gift of Presence: The Theology and Poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas by Jan-Heiner Tück — a theologian specialized in dogmatics and a vice-dean of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Vienna. It is an English translation of the book Gabe der Gegenwart: Theologie und Dichtung der Eucharistie bei Thomas von Aquin (Herder 2014), concerning Aquinas’ theology of sacraments in general and — more precisely — his Eucharistic poetry and theology of the Eucharist (excerpts from the German original and the table of contents may be found on Google Books). The book will be available at Amazon in the nearest days.

By the way, we recommend the playlist created as a part of project Aquinas, where prof. Benoît-Dominique de La Soujeole discusses this part of Summa Theologiae which is devoted to the sacraments.