Aquinas’ Neoplatonism

A book by Wayne J. Hankey, Aquinas’s Neoplatonism in the Summa Theologiae on God. A Short Introduction (St. Augustine’s Press 2018) has just been published. It is based on a lecture given by Hankey as  Aquinas Lecture at Dallas University in 2015 and is devoted to potential neoplatonic motives in Thomas’ treatise on God in Summa Theologiae. More information may be found on the publisher’s website, while table of contents, summary of chapters and bibliography may be read at

Wayne J. Hankey is a philosopher of religion, theologian and a classics professor at Dalhousie University. He specializes in neoplatonism, medieval philosophy and relations between Hellenistic Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He has also researched Thomistic thought for decades. He is an author of such works as:

  1. God in Himself. Aquinas’ Doctrine of God as Expounded in the „Summa Theologiae, Oxford University Press 1987 (reprint 2000; the chapters are available at Introduction; chapter 1; chapter 2; chapter 3 (incomplete); chapter 4; chapter 5; chapter 6; chapter 7; chapter 8; endnotes).
  2. Aquinas, Plato and Neoplatonism, in: The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas, ed. by Brian Davies, Eleonore Stump, Oxford University Press 2012, p. 55-64 (working version is available at
  3. Aquinas at the Origins of Secular Humanism? Sources and innovation in „Summa Theologiae” I, q. 1, a.1, „Nova et Vetera” no. 5/1 (2007), p. 17-40 (article available at
  4. The Place for the Proof for God’s Existence in the „Summa Theologiae” of Thomas Aquinas, „The Thomist” no. 46/3 (1982), p. 370-393 (article available at 

At you may also find a number of other papers and presentations by Hankey, concerning Aquinas.