Dominicans and the Challenge of Thomism

Ed. Michał Paluch OP & Piotr Lichacz OP

 Instytut Tomistyczny
Warszawa: 2012
346 s.; 23 cm
ISBN 978-83-905171-5-5

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„St Thomas is our brother, but St Dominic is our father”— the saying by Ian Hislop describes quite properly the relationship the Dominicans have to the doctor angelicus and his work. The Dominican way of thinking is not identifiable with Thomism but Thomism has not been and could not have been without importance for us. The relevance of Aquinas’s thought for the Dominicans is similar to the relevance of a proposal of an elder brother. The work of Thomas has been providing or at least indicating this nourishment to the Church for centuries. Many of us are still inspired by his work, and we thought that it would be foolish if Dominicans in need of spiritual food were to disregard such a rich source that is so close to us. In this spirit we organized in Warsaw, in July 2010, a conference for Dominican friars from all over the world to identify together this nourishment for us today.

This book is the outcome of this conference.