Aquinas’ Political Commentaries

The French publishing house Artège will soon publish a collection of Aquinas’ political commentaries, entitled Thomas d’Aquin, commentaires politiques, edited by Michel Nodé-Langlois (at the publisher’s website you may read a general introduction to the book, as well as an exemplary introduction to one of Aquinas’ texts). It is also worth to recall an English collection of Aquinas’ writings on political issues: Aquinas Political Writings, edited by R.W. Dyson (Cambridge University Press 2002; excerpts from the book are available also at

Thomas Aquinas’ Logic

Italian publishing house Edizioni Studio Domenicano has recently issued a book La logica di Tommaso d’Aquino. Dimostrazione, induzione e metafisica by Claudio Antonio Testi (at the publisher’s website you may find a PDF file with table of contents, introduction, bibliography and index). It is a comprehensive presentation of Aquinas’ logic and its relation to metaphysics. Claudio Antonio Testi is a philosopher, c0-founder and lecturer at Istituto Filosofico di Studi Tomistici (Modena); he also teaches at Studio Filosofico Domenicano (Bologna). He

Thomas Aquinas on Song of Songs

Cerf has just published a book by Serge-Thomas Bonino O.P., Saint Thomas d’Aquin, lecteur du Cantique des Cantiques. This work concerns the way in which St. Thomas drew from Song of Songs, using this text in his theology to describe Christ, Virgin Mary, Church  or to present the relations of love between the soul and God. Fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino O.P. is a general secretary of the International Theological Commission, a president of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and

Aquinas on Reason and Emotions

The Catholic University of America Press has just published a book by Nicholas Kahm, Aquinas on Emotion’s Participation in Reason (excerpts can be found also at Google Books). The author defines the book’s subject matter in the following way: Can emotions somehow become more rational and subject to our control? Or are we, à la Hume, ultimately slaves to our passions, one way or another? Is it possible to tame and habituate our emotions? To what extent? Should we wish

The „Thomas Aquinas on Creation and Nature” Symposium

The Thomistic Institute at the Pontifical University „Angelicum” organizes an international symposium entitled Thomas Aquinas on Creation and Nature that will take place in Rome on October 3-5, 2019. The keynote speakers are Eleonore Stump, Serge-Thomas Bonino O.P. and Paul Clavier; other speakers include such philosophers and theologians as Michael Dodds O.P., Dominic Legge O.P., John O’Callaghan or Kevin Flannery S.J. Proposals may be submitted until March 1st at [email protected], and registration may be done at the Institute’s website.

Aquinas’s Doctrine of Analogy

Recently yet another book in the Thomistic Ressourcement Series was published:  a work by Domenic D’Ettore, Analogy after Aquinas: Logical Problems, Thomistic Answers (Catholic University of America Press 2019; excerpts from the book are available also at Google Books). It concerns the issue of historical interpretations and development of Aquinas’s doctrine of analogy, especially after it was contested by John Duns Scotus and his followers. The scope of the book is defined very clearly: This study confines its investigation historically

New Issue of „Nova et Vetera” Journal

Recently a new issue of the English version of „Nova et Vetera” (Winter 2019) was published, containing a number of papers on Aquinas and Thomism in general: 1. Domenic D’Ettore (Marian University, Indianapolis), Una ratio versus Diversae rationes: Three Interpretations of Summa theologiae I, Q. 13, AA. 1–6; 2. Melissa Eitenmiller (Dominican House of Studies, Washington), On the Separated Soul according to St. Thomas Aquinas; 3. B. Kyle Keltz (South Plains College), Neo-Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering (at

Creation According to Aquinas and Karl Barth

Recently a book by Tyler R. Wittman was published, entitled God and Creation in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth (Cambridge University Press 2018; excerpts from the book may be also found at Google Books). This work juxtaposes ways of understanding the relation between God and creation according to Aquinas and Barth. However, the issues undertaken are much broader, since, as the author observes: the intelligibility of God’s relation to creation depends on materially prior teaching about God’s

Recent Papers on Aquinas

Recently a number of papers on St. Thomas have been published in both Polish and foreign academic journals. Here is a selection of them: „American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly”, vol. 93/1, Winter 2019: Julie Loveland Swanstrom (Augustana University), Creation as Efficient Causation in Aquinas (at the Purdue University webpage you may download a PhD thesis by this author, entitled The Metaphysics of Causation in the Creation Accounts of Avicenna and Aquinas); Randall G. Colton (Kenrick-Glennon Seminary), St. Thomas, Teaching, and the

New Thomistic Journal

As website noticed, a new scholarly journal devoted to the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas will be soon launched. It will be entitled the “European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas” (the EJSTA), and will be available online in the open acess. It will be issued annually as a continuation of the “Jaarboek of the Thomas Instituut Utrecht” – a renown journal published since 1981 by the Tilburg University. The EJSTA is an initiative of three institutions: the